MAS lanza videojuego de astronomía «Mastica Astros»

Desarrollado por el diseñador de la Universidad Católica, Antonio Villamandos y con la asesoría científica de los astrónomos Dante Minniti, Juan Carlos Beamín y Joyce Pullen del Instituto Milenio de Astrofísica MAS, Mastica Astros es un nuevo videojuego científico que pretende acercar materias como la física y la astronomía, al…

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[:en]MAS releases animated videos about astronomy with illustrations by Guillo[:es]MAS lanza videos astronómicos animados con ilustraciones de Guillo[:]

[:en] As part of “ObservaMAS, Bringing you closer to the Cosmos” outreach program, which is trying to bring –what it would seem– complex concepts of astronomy closer to people, the Millennium Institute of Astrophysics MAS got together with prominent national illustrator, Guillermo “Guillo” Bastías, to release a series of animated…

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[:en]Astronomer talks about the conditions needed to find life in other part of the Universe[:es]Astrónomo aclara cuáles son las condiciones para albergar vida en otras partes del Universo[:]

[:en]“There are millions of stars in our Galaxy and there are galaxies in the Universe. That means there are more stars out there in the Universe than sand grains in all of the beaches of the world. How many planets potentially habitable orbit around the Universe? That is…

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