Photo Gallery Revive las principales actividades realizadas por MAS en esta galerías de imágenes Estudiantes de postgrado MAS participan en Jóvenes ConsCiencia ObservaMAS fue parte del IV Encuentro Nacional de Profesionales de la Comunicación y Divulgación en CTCI Observation Night ends a year of work with El Bosque University for the Elderly ObservaMAS tours Rapa Nui doing astronomy outreach MAS inaugurates twin murals in Rapa Nui and Valparaíso ObservaMAS visits its fourth MR Hospital School with workshops and recreational activities ObservaMAS was present at the 3rd Cerro Navia Science Fair ALeRCE astronomer gives a talk at a school in the Santiago area Winter with Science brought together more than 1000 people around science ObservaMAS is part of the inauguration of the TEA House in the municipality of San Miguel Inauguration of a Scaled Solar System in Pueblito de Las Vizcachas Tercer Día del Asteroide en Pueblito de las Vizcachas reúne a 4000 personas 1234 1234