For the second year, astronomy takes over the Velo de la Novia jump. MAS holds its second Star Party

Again, the Millennium Institute of Astrophysics MAS and the Tourism Corporation of the Municipality of Molina. se unieron para organizar la “Fiesta de las Estrellas”a unique event that invited attendees to observe the night sky with the privileged scenery of the Velo de la Novia, a waterfall belonging to the Radal Siete Tazas national reserve and the English Park.

This is the second year that MAS has brought its now traditional mass observation nights to this area, delighting both the local inhabitants and the tourists who choose this commune for vacationing. The event, which also had the collaboration of the the Astronomy Department of Universidad de Chilewith the participation of the ObservaMAS outreach team, and the music of astro-pop artist Flangr. There were also contests, food trucks and a craft fair.

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