Once again, MAS was part of this science fair held in northern Chile as with its participation in the Science Hall as with the MAS researcher talk, Alejandra Muñoz about ALeRCE.
Around 13,000 people were part of a new edition of Puerto de Ideas Festival, which every year is held in Antofagasta. And as in every version, MAS was part of it.
With an interactional spot called “Conociendo nuestro Sistema Solar”, the ObservaMAS team, represented by Jennifer Chacón, Julio Olivares, and Silvio Ulloa, invited to students and the general public to know more about planets and the Sun. Also, taking advantage of the near dates to the partial eclipse of the Moon, they used a 3D model to explain how these phenomena occur. This was complemented with the installation of a solar telescope to observe our star, its sunspots and flares, precisely within one of the years the Sun is going through its peak activity.

Likewise, MAS – CMM researcher, Alejandra Muñoz, gave the talk "La Inteligencia Artificial son los nuevos ojos de la observación astronómica: Explorando el proyecto ALeRCE," in which she explained in-depth what's the function of this Automatic Learning for the Rapid Classification of Events tool, which processes data from the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) observations (ZTF) that aims to become in a Community Broker for the Vera C. Rubin Observatory.