Exploring new lands

A tour of the two main techniques for discovering new worlds outside our solar system. Astronomers are true planet hunters, bringing us closer and closer to answering the question: Is there life beyond our horizons? This short film was developed by the Millennium Institute of Astrophysics (MAS).

Director and Illustrations: Guillermo "Guillo" Bastías.
Music: Camilo Salinas – Pablo Ilabaca Melody Factory
Editorial Committee: Manuela Zoccali, Denise Gómez Z, Makarena Estrella P.
Creative Committee (astronomers): Álvaro Rojas Arriagada, Juan Carlos Beamín, Rodrigo Contreras Ramos, Cristián Cortés, Sergio Vásquez
Narration: Jorge Lillo
Post-production: Eugenia Paz
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