Ten are the short astronomy films that the institute developed for the project "Un instante de bienestar," initiative that consists of a cultural programming to be projected daily on the -3 floor of the Mercado Urbano Tobalaba.
The project was launched last April 10, hosted by the Las Condes Mayor, Daniela Peñaloza; the president of the Metro de Santiago, Guillermo Muñoz, the chief executive of Territoria, Ignacio Salazar, and the collaborative teams, among them was MAS.
"Un Instante de Bienestar" is the name of the initiative that since April (and for the whole year) will furnish culture and knowledge to this high-flow of people spot located between the connection to Mercado Urbano Tobalaba (MUT) and Tobalaba metro station by Metro de Santiago. Projecting short films of different areas in a large canvas (a width of more than 7000 pixels,) the project seeks to create a common ground for the community that passes by on a daily basis through this access.
Driven by Territoria -MUT's Developer and Operator- the daily programming includes ten short films created by the Millennium Institute of Astrophysics MAS and its outreach program ObservaMAS, that will show several astronomy content through beautiful pictures of the Universe, along with graphics explaining in simple language what are you observing.
These HQ pictures were obtained by NASA, the European Southern Observatory (ESO) in their observatories at La Silla, Paranal or ALMA, and by NOIRLaboperator of the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, GEMINI, and the Vera Rubin Observatory that soon will be operating. Likewise, the project has the participation of Gecko Animación productionsresponsible for the series Perrito Galáctico, among other series, which first season was launched towards the end of 3023 on UchileTV.
"Un Instante de Bienestar" will include one of the ten astronomy short films within the rotative programming every month, along with other cultural content and national artists. "This project emerges from a necessity to create a moment of peacefulness in the middle of the shared space between MUT and Metro. It's, basically, going to have a cultural program, mainly emphasizing the local sphere. That's why we consider it's crucial to roll up the relevance astronomy has in the country and display it in our content," said Elena CruzContent Director at Territoria.
Meanwhile in April we went on a trip through the Orion Nebula and in May we thought about our place in the Universe, the rest of the year includes topics about the Sun, eclipses, the Moon, blackholes, among others; besides highlighting the role of Chile like the worldwide capital of astronomy. "For MAS and its outreach program, it's crucial to bring science closer to people, towards the most frequent places. Due to the time we are live in, there is no always time to participate in outreach activities or events that we constantly organize. So, it's so important to be there where people are. We are happy for the invitation that MUT made us to take part in the programming, since Mercado and Metro are places where thousands of people circulate on a daily basis," said Makarena Estrella PachecoMAS Outreach and Communication Manager and in charge of this project.
Also, she anticipates that is only one of the many actions carried out at MUT, where last March was held an entire program to celebrate the Astronomy Day. in Chile.