Weronica Narloch

[:en][three_fourth last=»no» spacing=»yes» center_content=»no» hide_on_mobile=»no» background_color=» background_image=» background_image=»» background_repeat=»no-repeat» background_position=»left top» hover_type=»none» link=»» border_position=»all» border_size=»0px» border_color=» border_style=» border_style=»» padding=» margin_top=» margin_top=»» margin_bottom=» animation_type=» animation_type=»» animation_direction=»» animation_speed=»0.1″ animation_offset=» class=» class=»» id=»»][fusion_text]I was born in Kościerzyna, a town in the northern Poland, where I finished my basic education. In 2007, I started studies in Technical Physics at the specialization of Applied Physics on the Gdańsk University of Technology, where I became an Engineer in Science in 2011 and a Master-Engineer in Science in 2012. Then I moved to Warsaw and started my PhD. studies at the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences (NCAC), where from the beginning I was a member of the project Cluster Ages Experiment. On 3rd of March 2017 I defended my doctoral dissertation entitled «Astrometry of selected globular cluters» written under the supervison of prof. Michał Różyczka (main superior) and dr. Radosław Poleski (co-supervisor). After that, I started working as a postdoc in the Araucaria group lead by prof. Grzegorz Pietrzyński in NCAC, which I continue this collaboration till today. At the beginnig of August 2018, I started a postdoc position at the University of Concepcion in Chile as a member of the Instituto Milenio de Astrofisica (MAS), where my responsible researcher is prof. Wolfgang Gieren.[/fusion_text][fusion_text]Research Interest:

Globular Cluster – Cepheids – Stromgren photometry of LMC and SMC[/fusion_text][/three_fourth][one_fourth last=»yes» spacing=»yes» center_content=»no» hide_on_mobile=»no» background_color=»» background_image=»» background_repeat=»no-repeat» background_position=»left top» hover_type=»none» link=»» border_position=»all» border_size=»0px» border_color=»» border_style=»» padding=»» margin_top=»» margin_bottom=»» animation_type=»» animation_direction=»» animation_speed=»0.1″ animation_offset=»» class=»» id=»»][person name=»Weronica Narloch» title=»» picture=»http://www.astrofisicamas.cl/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/blank-300×240.jpg» pic_link=»» linktarget=»_self» pic_style=»none» hover_type=»none» background_color=»» content_alignment=»» pic_style_color=»» pic_bordersize=»» pic_bordercolor=»» pic_borderradius=»» icon_position=»» social_icon_boxed=»» social_icon_boxed_radius=»» social_icon_color_type=»» social_icon_colors=»» social_icon_boxed_colors=»» social_icon_tooltip=»» email=»» facebook=»» twitter=»» instagram=»» dribbble=»» google=»» linkedin=»» blogger=»» tumblr=»» reddit=»» yahoo=»» deviantart=»» vimeo=»» youtube=»» pinterest=»» rss=»» digg=»» flickr=»» forrst=»» myspace=»» skype=»» paypal=»» dropbox=»» soundcloud=»» vk=»» xing=»» show_custom=»no» class=»» id=»»]E-mail: wnarloch@astro-udec.cl[/person][/one_fourth][:es][three_fourth last=»no» spacing=»yes» center_content=»no» hide_on_mobile=»no» background_color=» background_image=» background_image=»» background_repeat=»no-repeat» background_position=»left top» hover_type=»none» link=»» border_position=»all» border_size=»0px» border_color=» border_style=» border_style=»» padding=» margin_top=» margin_top=»» margin_bottom=» animation_type=» animation_type=»» animation_direction=»» animation_speed=»0.1″ animation_offset=» class=» class=»» id=»»][fusion_text]Nací en Kościerzyna, una ciudad al norte de Polonia, donde terminé mi educación básica. En 2007, inicié mis estudios de  Física Aplicada en la Universidad de Tecnología Gdańsk, donde me obtuv e título de Ingeniero en Ciencias en 2011 y un máster en Ciencias en 2012. Luego me trasladé a Varsovia y comencé mis estudios de doctorado en el Centro Astronómico Nicolaus Copernicus de la Academia Polaca de Ciencias (NCAC), donde desde el principio fui miembro del proyecto Cluster Ages Experiment. El 3 de marzo de 2017 defendí mi tesis doctoral titulada «Astrometry of selected globular cluters» escrita bajo la supervisión del Prof. Michał Różyczka y el Dr. Radosław Poleski (co-supervisor). Después de eso, empecé a trabajar como postdoc en el grupo Araucaria dirigido por el Prof. Grzegorz Pietrzyński en NCAC, donde continúo esta colaboración hasta hoy. A principios de agosto de 2018, inicié un postdoctorado en la Universidad de Concepción en Chile como miembro del Instituto Milenio de Astrofísica (MAS), donde mi investigador responsable es el Prof. Wolfgang Gieren.[/fusion_text][fusion_text]Research Interest:

Globular Cluster – Cepheids – Stromgren photometry of LMC and SMC[/fusion_text][/three_fourth][one_fourth last=»yes» spacing=»yes» center_content=»no» hide_on_mobile=»no» background_color=»» background_image=»» background_repeat=»no-repeat» background_position=»left top» hover_type=»none» link=»» border_position=»all» border_size=»0px» border_color=»» border_style=»» padding=»» margin_top=»» margin_bottom=»» animation_type=»» animation_direction=»» animation_speed=»0.1″ animation_offset=»» class=»» id=»»][person name=»Weronica Narloch» title=»» picture=»http://www.astrofisicamas.cl/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/blank-300×240.jpg» pic_link=»» linktarget=»_self» pic_style=»none» hover_type=»none» background_color=»» content_alignment=»» pic_style_color=»» pic_bordersize=»» pic_bordercolor=»» pic_borderradius=»» icon_position=»» social_icon_boxed=»» social_icon_boxed_radius=»» social_icon_color_type=»» social_icon_colors=»» social_icon_boxed_colors=»» social_icon_tooltip=»» email=»» facebook=»» twitter=»» instagram=»» dribbble=»» google=»» linkedin=»» blogger=»» tumblr=»» reddit=»» yahoo=»» deviantart=»» vimeo=»» youtube=»» pinterest=»» rss=»» digg=»» flickr=»» forrst=»» myspace=»» skype=»» paypal=»» dropbox=»» soundcloud=»» vk=»» xing=»» show_custom=»no» class=»» id=»»]E-mail: wnarloch@astro-udec.cl[/person][/one_fourth][:]

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